3D Plot - (Graphic Tools)
Computer graphics are better for understanding
many types of data
In these sections you can find many step-by-step
commented guides to easily develop 3D plots. If you
are not familiar with
tridimensional graphics
in Matlab, I recommend you start from Part 1;
otherwise, go to the link of your interest.
Part 1 (
view, grid, subplot)
Matlab provides many powerful instructions for the
visualization of 3D data.
The instructions provided include tools to graph
wire-frame objects,
3D curves,
Part 2 (
meshgrid, plot3, meshc, surfc)
The 3D graph functions intended for plotting meshes and
surfaces ' mesh' and
' surf', and their
several variants '
meshc', '
meshz', '
surfc', and '
surfl', take multiple
optional input arguments...
Part 3 (
sphere, plot3, mesh)
In this part, we demonstrate the use of the function '
sphere'. We are going
to draw a unit sphere centered at the origin and generated
by matrices x, y and z, of size 31 x 31 each...
Part 4 (
meshgrid, figure, contour3, mesh, surfc, and
In this example we make a
summarization of the
use of the following 3D plot instructions:
surfc, and
It is better if you've already read Parts 1 to 3...
Pie Charts
In the expression '
pie3(V, explode, labels)', ' explode'
specifies whether to separate a slice from the center of the
pie chart. V(i,j) is
appart from the center of the pie chart if
explode(i,j) is
3D Animations
We’re going to experiment with
simple animation in 3D. We are going to work with a
sphere and are going
to rotate our view
angle. In the second experiment, we’re going to draw a
paraboloid, change
its size and rotate...
Summary of 3D Graphics
There are many facilities for
visualization of 3D information or data
(x, y, z). The facilities include built-in functions for
plotting wire-frame objects, space-curves, shaded
Solids of Revolution
Define a profile and revolve it about the x-axis. Use the
cylinder function...
3D Polygons
Draw several faces to create or model a box...
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