Electronic Projects
This page shows some items (kits and books)
to develop very creative
You can get an Electronic lab, with a solderless board and
all the components that you need to work on 300 experiments.
You can also get a board to learn to use the PIC
and also you
can experiment with the Arduino board, which is intended for what is
called 'physical computing',
that is, |
connecting your computer with the
real world...
This 300-in-1
Lab Project kit from Elenco is
a fun way to
learn about electronics. It's suitable
for ages 10 and older.
You can start a great
hobby in electronics
with no prior knowledge
needed. Build a radio, electronic organ,
kitchen timer, logic circuits, rain detector,
digital light dimmer, and more! 300 different experiments that
can perform with this kit! even if
you've never built an electronic
make lights dance, play with radio remote control, or build your own
metal detector...
If you like building gadgets, this
book is a must and surely belongs on your radar... Complete directions
for building
ten nice creations that involve light, sound, or
vibrations: a microphone, remote control gizmos,
talking toys, and more, with full
parts and tools lists, safety guidelines, and wiring schematics.
Check out electronic projects including:
- Surfing the Radio
Waves (how to make your own radio)
- Scary Pumpkins (crazy Halloween
decorations that have sound, light, and movement)
- An Electronic Metal
Detector (a project that can pay for itself)
Experimenter's Board is a complete prototyping platform
for the
16F8X, 16C55X, 16C62X, 16C7X and 16C8X family of 18-pin PIC
ZIF 18
PIN socket allows easy insertion and removal
of microcontroller IC. Has solderless connections for quick and easy
access to all Port A and Port B I/O lines, +5 volts
and GND.
Its 168-point connection
area allows for quick prototyping. It includes an
integrated 16x2 serial
backlit LCD display,
which can be easily connected with one wire to any I/O line, or
external serial source. Serial
communication with LCD can take place at
300, 1200, 2400 and 9600 bps.
PIC in Practice
offers amazing projects and a soft learning curve.
It will
make practical PIC
applications available to a wider, less specialized
audience.. Excellent
selection of examples in terms of range and complexity...
Given the rapidly expanding application of PICs, particularly in education, there
will be a need for more books like this.
Great ideas for creative
electronic projects using LEGO Mindstorms brand building
tools for
young, adults
and professionals.
Includes a CD-ROM with instructions, color movies,
and code examples in RCX
code, ROBOLAB, and Visual Basic. Relates robot
design to engineering concepts. |
a brand new standard Arduino
Duemilanove Board with ATmega328
Microcontroller. This Arduino Duemilanove Board is connected to your PC
via USB 2.0 Type A/B Male to Male Cable (Not included).
Arduino is
open source hardware.
This is an Arduino
starter pack. It has everything you need to get going,
- 1
Arduino Duemilanove board with ATMega328 microcontroller
- 1
Solderless Breadboard for prototyping projects
- 12
Flexible Wire Jumpers for Breadboard for wiring up your projects
- 1
(ea) Red, Green, Blue, White, Yellow, Orange LEDs
5 330-ohm, 1/4 watt Resistors
-1 Tactile
Push Button Switch for input
1 USB Cable for programming and powering the Arduino Board.
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