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Site Hosting (full of tools!)
Can you name
an affordable or inexpensive site hosting service?
is no point in building a website unless there are visitors coming in.
A major source of traffic for most sites on the Internet is search
engines like Google, Yahoo!, Bing, Ask and so on. By designing a search
engine friendly site, you'll be able to rank in SEs
obtain more visitors.
Is there any
guide to how to accomplish this?
service providers give you:
- high prices (those add-ons add up)
included? Limited space? Word finder? Autosubmiter to SEs? Site
Templates? Email addresses? Just blog or full site? Autositemap
creation? A guide to follow or are you on your own? Free information or
is information available as a bonus (i.e. additional charges)?
- major time loss (fighting barriers)
are you going to assemble your site? How are you going to include
images or links? How are you going to promote your site? Are templates
understandable? Can you link your blog to your site? Can you link to
your social sites effortlessly?
- 'marketing
noise' chasing you at every turn
One sale or they chase you to sell you more 'special features'?
- no
clear step-by-step process
- scattered
information, process, and tools
- no community
and culture of success
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Hosting' to home
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