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Scilab 2D plots

This is a brief introduction to the great potential of Scilab’s graphic capabilities. We’ll review a few of the basic commands and operations to carry out this important task in sofisticated software like Scilab or Scicoslab.

Simple Graphic Representation

In a simple graphic representation we just need two vectors with the same number of elements. The idea is to show a mathematical relationship or function that results in a 2D graph. The built-in functions that allow us to do that are plot and plot2d.

The following functions are quite compatible with Matlab:

  • plot
  • subplot
  • xlabel
  • ylabel
  • legend
  • title 

These functions are different from the Matlab ones:

  • xdel(n) – deletes a figure window
  • scf(n) – opens a figure window
  • xgrid – shows a grid on the plot
  • ax = get("current_axes"); ax.data_bounds = [xL, yL; xU, yU]; - it’s an approximation of the Matlab axis function

This code  

x = -10 : .1 : 10;  // define our independent values
y = cos(x) .* x;    // define our dependent values
plot(x, y)          // plot both vectors    

xlabel('x'); ylabel('y');         // define labels
legend('y = cos(x) * x');         // define legend
title('My First Scilab 2D Plot')  // add title

produces this Scilab plot

Scilab 2D plots - basic functions


We can re-define the axis values and add a grid by adding these lines to the previous code:

// get the handle of the newly created axes
ax = get("current_axes");

// clip axes
ax.data_bounds = [-10, -6; 10, 8];

// add grid

The resulting plot is   

Scilab grid and bounded axes

To erase the contents of one figure window, you only need to type the command clf in the command line, or you can select Erase Figure in the edit menu of the figure selected.

If you want to generate new plots without removing the previous one, it’s necessary to indicate the creation of a new one using the command ‘scf’, whose syntax is scf(integer number of the new plot).

If you run the code below 

x = -10 : .1 : 10;  // define our independent values
y = cos(x) .* x;    // define our dependent values
y2 = 3 * sin(x);    // define another function
plot(x, y,'b', x, y2, 'r')           

xlabel('x'); ylabel('y');     // define labels
legend('y = cos(x) * x', 'y2 = 3 sin(x)'); // define legend 

you can see two lines in the same window, each with a different legend and color

Scilab - two functions in one window

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