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Suggested Algorithm Books...

These algorithm books have been chosen due to their public reviews. They aren't related to Matlab, but introduce general concepts and ideas that can be used to solve problems in any programming language.
In computer science, math and related subjects, an algorithm is a method for solving a problem expressed as a logic sequence of instructions.

Algorithms (methods or procedures in ordinary language) are used for data processing and problem solving. Each algorithm is a list of clear and logic instructions for completing a task.
The 'Introduction to design...' book by A. V. Levitin is excellent for a basic course in the design and analysis of algorithms. This edition features 80 new puzzles and exercises, as well as separate sections on the analysis of nonrecursive and recursive algorithms; coverage of empirical analysis and algorithm visualization; approximation algorithms; iterative improvement algorithms covering the simplex method, network flows, and much more...

The book 'Invent Your Own Computer Games...' by A. Sweigart teaches you programming in the Python language. Each chapter gives the complete source code for a new game and teaches the programming concepts from these examples. The book was written to be understandable by anyone of any age who has never programmed before. This edition has revised content, including using the Pygame library to make games with graphics, animation, and sound.

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