Product (also known as Inner or
Scalar Product)
The dot product
is a scalar number and so it is also known as the
scalar or
In a real vector space, the scalar product
between two vectors
is computed in the following way:
Besides, there is another way to define the inner product, if you know
the angle between the two vectors:
We can conclude that if the inner product of two vectors is zero, the
vectors are orthogonal.
In Matlab, the appropriate built-in function to determine the inner
product is 'dot(u,v)'.
For example, let's say that we have vectors u
and v,
= [1 0] and v
= [2 2]. We can plot them easily with the 'compass'
function in Matlab, like this:
x = [1 2]
y = [0 2]
represents the horizontal coordinates for each vector, and y
represents their vertical coordinates. The instruction 'compass(x,y)'
draws a graph that displays the vectors with components (x,
as arrows
going out from the origin, and in this case it produces:
We can see that the angle between the two vectors is 45 degrees; then,
we can
calculate the scalar product in three different ways (in Matlab code):
a = u * v'
b = norm(u, 2) * norm(v, 2) * cos(pi/4)
c = dot(u, v)
Code that produces these results:
a = 2
b = 2.0000
c = 2
Note that the angle has to be expressed in radians, and that the
instruction 'norm(vector,
2)' calculates the Euclidian
norm of a vector
(there are more types of norms for vectors, but we are not going to
discuss them here).
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