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Circuit Analysis
In this section we analyze some examples related to electrical
calculations and circuit analysis. We're using Matlab to develop easy
codes and we're including some spreadsheets that we consider relevant.
They can save you some time in these tasks.
Algebra and its applications
In this example we see how to solve a simple circuit to find the values
of the currents through different loops or closed conducting
paths of an electrical circuit...
Nodal Analysis
We review another circuit. This time the circuit includes independent
current sources. We see the Kirchhoff's Current Law in action...
Simple Circuit A circuit with more components, a current source and a dependent current-controlled (ccvs)...
RC Circuit Transient analysis or a charging / discharging RC network...
Circuit Simulator
This is a very interesting article. We see how to interface Matlab and
Winspice. We can drive the electronic simulator from Matlab, change
parameters to evaluate and read results. This means that we can use the
electronic simulator as if it was a Matlab built-in function!
Ohm's Law Calculator
This is an online spreadsheet. You can calculate resistances, currents,
voltages and power, when you know some of the variables...
GUI - Resistor Code
This is a graphical user interface (GUI) to learn the value of a
resistor if you can see its colors...
Electric Consumption
This article has a more practical approach. You can calculate the cost
of your electric consumption if you know the power of your appliances
and the cost per kilowatt-hour of your electric company. This could
have some environmental applications...
Electricity Cost
This is the online implementation of the example just above. You know
how to calculate that with Matlab, now you can use an online
We make some suggestions on toys to explore the fascinating world of
electronics. You can learn and experiment with real analog and digital
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