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MATLAB Plot - 2D graphics

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2D Plots
Matlab includes fancy tools for visualization. Basic 2D plots, good 3D graphics, and even animation possibilities are available in an easy environment. The most basic and useful command for producing simple 2D plots is...

Horizontal - Vertical Lines
We are going to create a simple Matlab function to add horizontal and vertical lines to any given Matlab-created plot. 

For example, let's say that we need to add some indications or annotations to a plot, and we need to display and indicate some upper or lower...

Pie Plots
pie(x) draws pie plots of the data in the vector x. The values in x are normalized via x/sum(x) to determine the area of each slice of pie...

hist - Histograms
The hist instruction in Matlab, without output arguments, produces a histogram bar plot of the results. The bar edges on the first and last bins may extend to cover the min and max of the data unless a matrix of data is supplied...

Comet Plot
comet(a) displays an animated comet plot of the vector a.
comet(a, b) displays an animated comet plot of vector b vs a.
comet(a, b, p) uses a comet of length p*length(b).  Default is p = 0.10...

Plotting using Stems
In this example, we study the 'stem' instruction to illustrate another Matlab plot function. It draws vertical lines (with a little circle at the tip) proportional to the value of the function at that particular horizontal value. 'stem' does not join the circles with a line, and it is very helpful to stress the fact that the function is, in fact, not continuous but discreet...

Logarithmic plots
In this example we are going to demonstrate how to use the 'loglog' function included in Matlab to produce logarithmic axis. This term referrs to the fact that the plot is logarithmically scaled in both axes...

Polar plots
Functions that plot data in the polar coordinates using magnitudes and angles. In this article we’ll discuss and show the Matlab plot commands 'compass', 'polar' and 'rose'...

Bell Curve - Gaussian distribution
The graph or plot of the associated probability density has a peak at the mean, and is known as the Gaussian function or bell curve...

Simple animations in 2D
If we have some data representing a system or a function at several time intervals, we may want to take advantage of Matlab’s simple animation capabilities...

Impulse Function -  Dirac delta
The ‘Impulse function’ is also known as the ‘Dirac delta’ function, or δ function. In the context of DSP it’s often referred to as the ‘unit impulse function’. Let's see how to tame it...

Heaviside Unit Step

Periodic Functions - Square and Sawtooth waves
A periodic function is a function that repeats its values in regular periods or intervals. We explore codes for square and sawtooth waves without any special toolbox needed...

Summary of types of Plots
You can find samples of some 2D drawing functions. Many of them take optional arguments. These are just some ideas to give you basic understanding or how to use these built-in functions..

Smith Chart
It's a graphical tool designed for engineers specializing in RF to solve problems related to transmission lines and matching circuits...

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