law Calculator
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at the bottom of this article.
We’ll start with an introduction to this topic.
The Ohm’s law
(after Georg Ohm) defines the relationship between voltage (V), current
(I) and resistance (R). Power (P) relationships appear as a logic
consequence of the others.
One ohm is the resistance value
through which one volt will produce a current of one ampere. The Ohm’s
formula is V = IR. |
Voltage (V) is the
difference in electrical potential
between two points in an electronic circuit, and it is measured in
volts (V).
Current (I) is a
flow of electrons on a conductor, and it is
measured in amperes (A).
Resistance (R)
determines how much current will flow through
an electrical device. Resistors are used to control or limit voltage
current levels. A high resistance will allow a small current to flow. A
resistance will allow a larger current to flow. Resistors are measured
in ohms.
Power (P) is the
voltage multiplied by the current, and it’s
measured in watts (W).
law Pie Chart
Electrical Calculations
Let’s say that a 12V car
battery is connected to a 3 ohm
light bulb. What is the voltage measured at the light bulb?
We can use our calculator
and enter
V = 12.0 V
R = 3.0 ohms
We get
I = 4.0 A
Parallel Resistors
Our calculator can also
be used to find out the equivalent
resistor of up to three resistors
in parallel. For example, three 20-ohm parallel
resistors are connected across a 120 V power source. What is the
current of
this circuit?
We use the section on
parallel resistors and enter
R1 =
20 ohms
R2 = 20 ohms
R3 = 20 ohms
we learn that the
equivalent resistor is Req = 6.7 ohms.
Now, we use the formula I
= V/R and enter the known values
of voltage and resistance
V =
120 V
R = 6.7 ohms
and we discover that the
total current flowing is I = 17.91
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