3D Plots
In this brief article we’re going to describe how to create
3D Plots in Scilab. We can use built-in functions very similar to
such as meshgrid, plot3d, surf and others... or we can use a more
function such as param3d (as always, you can type ‘help’ on your Scilab
window to see a comprehensive list of available functions).
It is necessary to have
three vectors containing x, y and z
values of the coordinates that we want to display. This is the syntax
param3d(x, y, z, [theta, alpha, leg, flag,
- x, y and z are three
vectors of the same size representing
points of the parametric curve.
- theta and alpha are real
values containing the spherical
coordinates of the observation point (in degrees).
- leg is a string
defining the labels for each axis with @
as a field separator, for example "X@Y@Z".
- flag = [type, box];
type and box have the same meaning as
in plot3d:
type is an integer used for scaling, and box is an integer to
describe features of the frame around the plot.
- ebox specifies
the boundaries of the plot as the vector [xmin,
xMax, ymin, yMax, zmin, zMax]
If we type this code of four lines (one long line can
continue with ellipsis...)
z = 0 : .01 : 8;
param3d(z .* sin(8*z), z .* cos(8*z), z)
param3d(z .* cos(10*z), z .* sin(10*z), z, 75, 25,...
we get these two 3D plots in Scilab

At the top of figure
windows you can find the Tool option
and then the 2D/3D Rotation option. This can help you visualize the
plot from
different angles.
Other functions for 3D Plots in Scilab
meshgrid - create
matrices or 3-D arrays
surf - 3D surface plot
contour - level curves on a 3D surface
mesh - 3D mesh plot
fplot3d1 - 3D gray or color level plot of a surface defined
by a function
plot3d2 - plot surface defined by rectangular facets
// Generate a vector from
-pi/2 to pi/2 with 40 points
u =
linspace(-%pi/2, %pi/2, 40);
Generate a vector from 0 to 2pi with 20 points
v =
linspace(0, 2*%pi, 20);
// Generate a sphere,
default view
x =
y =
z =
y, z);

// the same shape but other
values for theta and alpha
plot3d2(x, y, z, theta = 60, alpha = 80);

Define a vector
t = -7 :
.15 : 7;
Define a grid
[x, y] =
meshgrid(t, t);
Define your function
z =
cos(x) .* cos(y) .* exp(-sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2)/3);
// Plot
default view

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